Tuesday, February 17, 2009


February 15, 2009
[at home]

The beast has crashed!

We had a full day today. Our morning consisted of a trip to the park: a lap around the fields, a walk along the dam, flushing out some birds, an obedience session/play session in the fenced baseball field, followed by some scent work: I attached two quail wings to her dummy, dragged it through a field and hid it in the woods. In the process, one of the wings fell off and was lost. Tessa did a great track, staying very focused on the scent I laid (usually she goes by air scent), locating the lost wing, and in the end, the dummy. Whereupon we lost the other wing, which she found as well.

In the p.m. we went back to the park with a friend, and mostly walked through the woods and played fetch on the field. When we returned to the car, she threw a hissy fit, very much resenting the fact that the outing was coming to an end. Once in the car though, she fell into a content slumber and at home, she recharged herself under the covers.

"Where's my coffee?"

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