Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fetch Me If You Can

February 1, 2009
Sandy Creek Park, GA

Fetch gone wrong! While play-practicing "fetch", Tessa decides to exchange her Orbee ball for my hat which was tucked into my pocket. She grabbed it faster than I could have imagined and ran off with it, and kept running, wide circles, for a long while...

... until she spotted some birds on the other side of the fence and stopped dead in her tracks.

Forgotten was the hat...

Forgotten was the Orbee...

The hat fetch, the walk and the dog park wore her out.


  1. someone was naughty! those are great shots of her doing the "nannny nannny" loops around you with your hat though...hee.

  2. Fantastic photos! She looks so hilarious with your hat.... although I hope that no damage was done.

    Really wild how the birds just completely took all of her attention.
